My Beautiful Family

My Beautiful Family

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Just an is in desperate need! thing is clear...I am not good at this blog thing.  I am not good at keeping a journal either, so this is no big surprise.   However, I go through a drought...and then realize that I really LIKE doing stuff like this.  So here we go again.  Lets see how long this lasts.  They say if you can do something for three weeks, it becomes a habit.  Not sure that is going to work.

I thought it was best to start with an update.  My family is going in lots of different directions, and I know that is normal when the kids get older and leave the nest. I love my kids...and crazy definitely describes this family!  :)  Crazy but oh so fun!   So here we go!

As most of you know, Elizabeth is deployed.  She is out floating in the ocean somewhere, working hard to protect our freedom.  I feel so blessed to be a Navy Mom in this time era, as opposed to my grandmother's.  Many of her children went off to the War, and she would be lucky to get letters that had been censored.  I get to hear from Elizabeth far more often, and even have had some phone calls.  I miss her terribly, but I am proud of her.  Keep up the good work, Eli!! :)

It is Elizabeth's birthday this week...9/18!  I cannot believe that my first born will be 23!  Time flies. 

My darling Sweet Pea is doing well.  She is working hard, trying to make it in this world.  I feel for the young adults today.  I know how hard it is. She seems to have found a pretty good job that will hold her as she finds her path.  However, I think she is like me in a lot of ways...and that means that she will find many paths. :)  Ah, 21 is so great!  :)   And she is an amazing, beautiful, and talented young blessed!

Ben, Melissa's Beau, is also celebrating a birthday this week!  9/16!  Happy Birthday, Ben!  He is such a nice guy...and thank you for being so good to my girl!

Patrick is doing well.  School year started, and that means we have already had our ups and downs.  But luckily a lot more ups than downs.  This past Friday night, his school had a movie night and the food trucks came.  It was a nice event.  He is attending a specialized magnet school that specializes in Math and Sciences...needless to say, it keeps him busy.  It keeps us all busy in fact.

Scouts continues to be a very big part of our lives.  Patrick just earned his Star Rank...and boy, did he work hard for it!!   We are always doing something.,..canoeing, hiking, service name it.  So happy that he is doing so well at something he loves.

Well, as you see from what the kids are up to, we are doing well.  Yes, busy...I think I stay that way.  But busy is the life I love, so that is good. We make it work!  :)

Sending love to all of you! 

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Back to normal?

Hello Blog Family! :)
I want to start this year off right!  I want to wish all of you a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR!  As we start this new year, I am praying all of you are touched by the spirit of renewal and continue with the work in progress that we all are.  Growing in mind and spirit is so very important...and this is something that will never be done.

As for our little crazy family, we are doing well!  Life is always interesting.  At least that will never change. ;)  After the Holidays, we are slowly returning to normal.  Normal may be a stretch, because that we may never be, but we are returning to our version of normal.

Eli is back...(to work that is).  She left Monday to return to Navy world.  I already am missing my sailor girl.  It was really wonderful having her home and I find her a blessing.  While she is learning and growing and is sometimes frustrating, she really is a light in my life and I am so proud of her.   It is hard to see her go, but she must also return to her normal and we must get back to ours. 

Scouting is back...something that my son is very thankful for.  We went to our first meeting of the year last night and it was great!  Patrick really enjoys his scouting life and it is such a great way for him to become a well rounded young man.  It is also good for me.  While Tuesdays remain my busiest day of the week, I always seem to end my night with a smile on my face.  This is a great feeling! 

Work is back....I have gone back to work after a 10 day vacation.  It has been hard to get back in the swing of things, but I am slowly chugging through.  There is a lot on my desk that I need to attend to, but sometimes, it is hard to keep my brain on track.  I will get it down again....just need to stop with the ADD moments!  haha!  Truly though, I find it really awesome and such a blessing to be doing what I love.  While there are those days when I just think that I cannot push through anymore, I recharge and bounce back pretty well and know that I am doing exactly what I am supposed to be doing! 

School is back...and Patrick is having a hard time adjusting to his daily grind again.  It really is amazing how two weeks can really throw a proverbial monkey wrench into your schedule.  Then you have to return, it is really hard!!  He will get it...that I am sure of.

Well, I guess I should get back to my life.  I hope you enjoyed the update.  I would love to hear from you and update me on your lives.  Let me know what you are doing to renew your spirit!  :) 

Many Hugs and Love!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

My goodness, this week is FULL!!

Hi guys!

So, every night this week, we have been up to a different adventure!  While this is nothing new, it has been a very different and very interesting week!!  Most of it has centered around Patrick...again, nothing new.  :)

On Monday night, our night was full of Science Project.  Patrick has been launching rockets and now it was time to compile the data and actually write the report.  It turned out pretty well!  And was about 6 pages in length.  Pretty good for an 11-year-old (with some parent help, of course!).  Now we have to get the display board done!

Tuesdays...well, what can I say about Tuesdays?  This is by far the busiest night of the week, on any week. Always full of karate and scouts.  This Tuesday, however, was full of Promotions and Scoutmaster's Conferences.  Busy and INSANE night!  Patrick has now earned his green belt in Karate.  In addition, he went through his Scoutmaster's conference and is now on to his Board of Review for his Tenderfoot.  He is a little slow in getting to this, so it is a big deal for him.  He has had the requirements met, for the most part, for some time, but got a little slowed down. Now he is back in the proverbial saddle and is riding again! 

On Wednesday night, Patrick went with his dad...and Tom and I attempted some Christmas shopping.  That was  a no go, and we ended up in Walmart (my own personal hell) to buy necessities.  Unfortunately, the pictures that we needed for Patrick's aforementioned science project (a critical necessity) were not ready...(boo!!)  and that adds a little degree of pressure for us.  He needs to get it ALL done, not just in part, by Friday!

Thursday night...strange night.  Somehow, we needed to squeeze in more science project time, a band concert for school for Patrick, and Tom's Karate Promotion...all in one night.  Did I mention that Patrick gets home from school at 4:30 ish?  And we have to eat??  And he has to be back to school by 6pm.  I really need to find some super glue to freeze up the hands of the clock for super crazy nights like this one....

Friday night - I attempted some Christmas shopping...and was in a poor mood to do it.  So Tom and I just grabbed some dinner and I quickly found my bed.  I was exhausted!! 

Saturday - Tom went and cut wood for scouts, and I went shopping!  I had a great time and got a few things out of the way.  I also visited a craft store...and picked out some fun for me to get into in the coming days! :)  I am making a couple of gifts, and also getting busy with Diamonds from the Rough! :)   So excited.

And all of this was just OUR happenings.  It seems that my friends and family have had even more on their plates.  Between awesome relatives needing prayers, friends celebrating their greatest joy, and other friends needing love and prayers, I would have to say that this week has been full for EVERYONE!  I continue to pray and hold all of you close to my heart! 

Well, I hope I didnt wear my readers out. I am, though! so off to bed I go!

And so it goes...  :)

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Wow - it has been a while.

Hi Guys! 

I am such a bad blogger!  I was asked if I stopped blogging...and apparently I had.  My life has been so full and busy that I never got around to writing much down.  Even FB has taken a hit for me...I post, but certainly not as often.  But rest assured, I still lurk, so I know what you guys are up to.  I guess it is only fair that I share!

We are all doing well.  The family keeps on truckin' no matter what.  And that is a good thing!  I am so proud of our family and am happy we are so busy.  Too bad that it creates a lot of stress in the process.  Alas, that is a mother's lot in life.   ;)

Tom is doing well!  Working, playing, enjoying life!  He is now a scoutmaster, and is always getting himself involved in so much as far as scouts go.  That is a big part of our lives...and it is wonderful, even though sometimes I wonder if I will ever see the light at the end of the tunnel.  I have come to know that we just dont want to...that's why we keep adding on and adding on.  Tom is great with kiddos, so I know he enjoys what he does, and at the end of the day, that is all that matters. 

Elizabeth is amazing!  She is a happy young lady and enjoying life in the Navy.  She has achieved another promotion and will be Petty Officer any day now.  She will be coming home for the Holidays, which makes me one happy mommy!  :)  I cannot wait to give my beautiful sailor the biggest hug!!! 

Melissa is working her life away.  She has secured a job at On the Border, so drop by and see her if you are local.  As usual, she does well at anything she puts her mind to and this is no exception.  While she knows this is just temporary, she does her best and seems to enjoy it mostly.  She loves people! 

Patrick...well, he is the busiest young man ever!  Into Scouts and Karate...and now Band.  He has decided to play the Bassoon, which will end up making us all go broke!   However, he is enjoying it...I cannot wait to see where this leads him.  And Scouts has become his heartbeat.  We are always doing something scouting related...and he LOVES it!  Such a great way for him to learn life lessons and teach him to be the type of man that is so desperately needed in society.  He has also started participating in a Youth Group with Catholic instruction and coping strategies for Middle School!  LOVE THIS!

Mom is good!  She continues to enjoy mostly good health and we are very blessed.  I enjoy my morning coffee with her every day and feel very blessed to have this privilege.  My best friend! 

As for me...well, it is my job to keep up with all this.  :)  And of course add more chaos to the bunch.  I am doing well.  I am getting more involved in scouting, crafting (again), and trying to find new ways to drive myself crazy.  I guess I better stick with what I am good at.  Busy is a good look for me.  :)

Hope all is well with all of you! 

Sending hugs from our house to yours!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Week of 1/24-28

Hello there!

Well this week has been a fun one...always busy, but good.  Well, aside from my work...which you know is always stressful.  Other than that, life is great!!

Patrick enjoyed cub scouts this week...we had a Pack Night and he received recognition for all the hard work that he put in over the last couple months.  He had a great time.  I am so proud of him.  As well as all the other boys that were involved.  We have three boys from our Pack that are earning their Arrow of Light!  Amazing!  I am proud of our youth.  They may be a pain in the you-know-where most nights, but it is truly amazing what they can accomplish when they set their mind to it.

Melissa has learned some important life lessons this week.  She went on a job interview.  We will see the results soon, but I think the process is as important as the end result.  I am so proud of her....going in there, being confident, and I am sure she was quite charming!  :)  Say some prayers!  She may be working with kids soon...which I know isn't her favorite thing to do, but she is good at it.  Kids always love her.  (When I told Eli this, she laughed so hard...and for quite a long time...too funny)

Elizabeth is settling down at her new duty station.  So exciting!  She is glad to be out of Great Lakes.  She is as happy as can be.  She is settled in her new Barracks, and even has a job...working in the galley washing and scrubbing (which is what she gets for laughing at her sister!  haha).  This job is only temporary. She is on hold waiting for her schooling to start, which should be in about 2 months.  Once that starts back up again, she will be a busy bee. 

Tom and I are both doing fine...working and embracing what we are passionate about. For Tom, he really enjoys working with the scouts!  He is a den leader, and is getting involved with more and more stuff.  And there is always something to keep him busy!  For me, I have been working a lot on Adopt-A-Sailor.  I love trying to put together stuff for our men and women who serve their country.

Speaking of Adopt a sailor...I am sewing pillowcases for our sailors.  The moms across the country are trying to make 1000 pillowcases...that's quite a few!!  In addition we are stocking a coffee bar on ship.  It really is an awesome experience.  And I love working on things for this group of people. 

Well, dinner is ready...time to eat!  Woo Hoo! 

Sending hugs and smiles...across the miles!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Lincoln Marti Camporee

Hello! :)

We just got back from this camporee and, I must say, it was a very successful campout.  I really enjoy this particular time in scouting, even though it is exhausting.  We spend a lot of time running from one activity to another (gateway, pioneering project, parade, skit, flag, and the scheduled fun activities to partake in).  When it is all over, we are always worn out, but such wonderful memories are made.

This year, our site was a complete mess!  It was full of MUD!  Ugh!  No matter where you stepped, there was the squish-squish under your feet.  How awful!  We went through clothes and shoes like crazy!!  And I just finished getting everything clean again.  What a time! 

On Friday, while the children were trying to build their gateway, we kept having showers on and off.  Then came down a hard rain and a lot of wind.  These are very difficult conditions to set up camp, but somehow we managed.  It was a late night, but we managed!  Hooray for us!!

On Saturday, the boys finished up the gateway, and then engaged in the day's activities.  My favorite part of the day is around 3pm.  Parents start getting tired and I get to take pictures of all the ones that fall asleep!  This has been a fun role for me for a few years now! :)  I managed to get 3 parents this year!  Woo hoo!!  It is the little things that make me happy!  

On Sunday, we have a very special service called Scouts Own.  I love attending "church" with my scout family and it is a very special time.  Patrick usually volunteers to speak, but he was changing clothes when the coordinator came around and missed out.  However, at the end of the ceremony, the boys and family members got together on the stage to sing "Amazing Grace" (in honor of the fallen police officers this week) and Patrick volunteered to go up and sing with the group.  I am so proud of my boy!  He has such a beautiful spirit!

After this, they had an awards ceremony.  This is the time that we see how our boys did during the competition camp out.  We did pretty well!  We took 1st place in flag and we also received the Jr. Pack Award.  I am not sure how we are still a Jr. Pack, but I do not know how any of that is factored.  I leave that stuff to those in the know!  :)  I am proud of all of our was a great weekend, with great memories made. 

I hope this note finds you all well!  Sending Love and Smiles to those who are near and across the miles! 


Sunday, January 16, 2011

What a busy time!

Hi Guys,

I don't know about you, but the New Year has been nothing but super busy for us.  Hyperspeed!  Work has been rough...more so than usual..and for those of you who know what line of work I am in, you know this spells out disaster for the children.  we are only two weeks into January, and I feel like I live on fast forward.

Patrick is doing very well.  School is day to day, but he is doing well enough.  He really enjoys his classes, but speed is his issue.  Sometimes, he just does not work fast enough.  He manages well enough, though.  He is working on his karate too.

In addition, we are doing scout stuff.  And we are in the thick of scout season.  We have a competition camp out next weekend (and in February...and in March), so this should keep things interesting for a while.  haha...  Currently, we are working on the Pack Flag.  It is looking pretty good.  Patrick is also going to cross over to boy scouts after this school year.  He is so excited....however, we are still looking for a trooop.  Let's see what our future holds!

Melissa is doing pretty good.  She is working on her second semester in college.  She is looking for a job and remains relatively busy.  We are still talking to the Navy...wonder what will happen? 

Elizabeth is working hard.  Well, she was working hard.  Now she has graduated ATT (advanced technical training) and will now be off to A School on Tuesday.  Right now, she is enjoying some down time and is taking full advantage!  I am so glad she is finally having some rest and some fun! I am one very proud NAVY MOM!!  Go Navy!! Go Eli!!

As for me, I am trying to pay attention to my New Years Resolutions.  Mostly, I am getting back to basics for me.  I am trying to make sure that I take better care of Mary...while I am taking very good care of my family.  Just a few minutes of down time, but I am enjoying my crafts again...and reading more...and being more engrossed in the things that matter.  :)  Feels good too!!  However, I do have to get cracking on my other New Years Resolution...which is to get myself ready for a Master's Program.  I really need to get my butt back in school.

As you can see, life hasnt changed much...always busy.  I do not know how I manage to keep all those plates spinning on those sticks, but I manage.  And I would not have life any other way!!

Love to all of you!!  Sending you hugs...near and across the miles,
