My Beautiful Family

My Beautiful Family

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Just an is in desperate need! thing is clear...I am not good at this blog thing.  I am not good at keeping a journal either, so this is no big surprise.   However, I go through a drought...and then realize that I really LIKE doing stuff like this.  So here we go again.  Lets see how long this lasts.  They say if you can do something for three weeks, it becomes a habit.  Not sure that is going to work.

I thought it was best to start with an update.  My family is going in lots of different directions, and I know that is normal when the kids get older and leave the nest. I love my kids...and crazy definitely describes this family!  :)  Crazy but oh so fun!   So here we go!

As most of you know, Elizabeth is deployed.  She is out floating in the ocean somewhere, working hard to protect our freedom.  I feel so blessed to be a Navy Mom in this time era, as opposed to my grandmother's.  Many of her children went off to the War, and she would be lucky to get letters that had been censored.  I get to hear from Elizabeth far more often, and even have had some phone calls.  I miss her terribly, but I am proud of her.  Keep up the good work, Eli!! :)

It is Elizabeth's birthday this week...9/18!  I cannot believe that my first born will be 23!  Time flies. 

My darling Sweet Pea is doing well.  She is working hard, trying to make it in this world.  I feel for the young adults today.  I know how hard it is. She seems to have found a pretty good job that will hold her as she finds her path.  However, I think she is like me in a lot of ways...and that means that she will find many paths. :)  Ah, 21 is so great!  :)   And she is an amazing, beautiful, and talented young blessed!

Ben, Melissa's Beau, is also celebrating a birthday this week!  9/16!  Happy Birthday, Ben!  He is such a nice guy...and thank you for being so good to my girl!

Patrick is doing well.  School year started, and that means we have already had our ups and downs.  But luckily a lot more ups than downs.  This past Friday night, his school had a movie night and the food trucks came.  It was a nice event.  He is attending a specialized magnet school that specializes in Math and Sciences...needless to say, it keeps him busy.  It keeps us all busy in fact.

Scouts continues to be a very big part of our lives.  Patrick just earned his Star Rank...and boy, did he work hard for it!!   We are always doing something.,..canoeing, hiking, service name it.  So happy that he is doing so well at something he loves.

Well, as you see from what the kids are up to, we are doing well.  Yes, busy...I think I stay that way.  But busy is the life I love, so that is good. We make it work!  :)

Sending love to all of you! 