My Beautiful Family

My Beautiful Family

Saturday, December 3, 2011

My goodness, this week is FULL!!

Hi guys!

So, every night this week, we have been up to a different adventure!  While this is nothing new, it has been a very different and very interesting week!!  Most of it has centered around Patrick...again, nothing new.  :)

On Monday night, our night was full of Science Project.  Patrick has been launching rockets and now it was time to compile the data and actually write the report.  It turned out pretty well!  And was about 6 pages in length.  Pretty good for an 11-year-old (with some parent help, of course!).  Now we have to get the display board done!

Tuesdays...well, what can I say about Tuesdays?  This is by far the busiest night of the week, on any week. Always full of karate and scouts.  This Tuesday, however, was full of Promotions and Scoutmaster's Conferences.  Busy and INSANE night!  Patrick has now earned his green belt in Karate.  In addition, he went through his Scoutmaster's conference and is now on to his Board of Review for his Tenderfoot.  He is a little slow in getting to this, so it is a big deal for him.  He has had the requirements met, for the most part, for some time, but got a little slowed down. Now he is back in the proverbial saddle and is riding again! 

On Wednesday night, Patrick went with his dad...and Tom and I attempted some Christmas shopping.  That was  a no go, and we ended up in Walmart (my own personal hell) to buy necessities.  Unfortunately, the pictures that we needed for Patrick's aforementioned science project (a critical necessity) were not ready...(boo!!)  and that adds a little degree of pressure for us.  He needs to get it ALL done, not just in part, by Friday!

Thursday night...strange night.  Somehow, we needed to squeeze in more science project time, a band concert for school for Patrick, and Tom's Karate Promotion...all in one night.  Did I mention that Patrick gets home from school at 4:30 ish?  And we have to eat??  And he has to be back to school by 6pm.  I really need to find some super glue to freeze up the hands of the clock for super crazy nights like this one....

Friday night - I attempted some Christmas shopping...and was in a poor mood to do it.  So Tom and I just grabbed some dinner and I quickly found my bed.  I was exhausted!! 

Saturday - Tom went and cut wood for scouts, and I went shopping!  I had a great time and got a few things out of the way.  I also visited a craft store...and picked out some fun for me to get into in the coming days! :)  I am making a couple of gifts, and also getting busy with Diamonds from the Rough! :)   So excited.

And all of this was just OUR happenings.  It seems that my friends and family have had even more on their plates.  Between awesome relatives needing prayers, friends celebrating their greatest joy, and other friends needing love and prayers, I would have to say that this week has been full for EVERYONE!  I continue to pray and hold all of you close to my heart! 

Well, I hope I didnt wear my readers out. I am, though! so off to bed I go!

And so it goes...  :)